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How To Earn Money On Fiverr – The Step By Step Process


How To Earn Money On Fiverr – The Step By Step Process

So now I’ve shown you what I do and what I use to do it, now all you need to is how to make money on Fiverr yourself.

Just follow the steps below and you will learn how to make money on Fiverr easily-

Step 1 – Practice

First of all I bought Video Maker FX and spent time practising making videos of all different types with it.

It took me a couple of weeks of playing but I soon got the hang of being able to make videos quickly.

Step 2 – Create Fiverr Gig

Once I knew I could produce awesome videos I created my Fiverr Gig.

I kept the title short and simple – “I will Create a Professional Whiteboard Animation Video In 24hours for $5.”


Here are some other titles I have used that did well-

  • I will create an AMAZING Whiteboard Animation Video For $5
  • I will create a PROFESSIONAL Whiteboard Doodle Video For $5
  • I will create an Eye CATCHY Animation Video For $5

Feel free to play around – you get the idea!

Step 3 – Creating Your Gig Image

If you do a search for similar gigs you will notice some of them have better images than others that really stand out.

Do some searches and take some inspiration from the gig images that really stand out to you.

Once you have done that you can use to create your Fiverr gig image, if you really want to stand out you can also hire someone on Fiverr to do it!

Step 4 – Writing Your Gigs Description

Your description is also a very important part to your gig that you need to get right.

Just like with the images I also search around Fiverr and look at what the other top sellers are doing and use their descriptions as inspiration.

Whatever you do, don’t copy their descriptions or your will get banned. Just use them as inspiration and come up with your own unique description.

Step 5 – Tags/Keywords

One of the most important parts of your gig is setting up the tags and keywords.

A lot of people don’t realise this but having your gig tagged correctly is very important to the ranking of your gig in Fiverrs search results.


Take a look at the picture above and you will see the tags I used and also set your gig delivery duration to “1 DAY”.

Step 6 – Video-fying Your Gig

You also have the option of adding a video to your gig to make it stand out. Again this helps to boost rankings and sales so pay attention.

I just used Video Maker FX to make a catchy video for my gig, it doesn’t need to be anything special but shows off the service as well.

The Secret Sauce – Ranking Your Fiverr Gigs

Once you have everything setup and your Fiverr gig is live you need to apply the secret sauce to get the gig ranking and sales flowing in.

This has been my secret for about 6 months that I have only shared with a few of my friends. I can rank any gig #1 for any keyword on Fiverr in less than 48 hours for any search term like “video animation”, “usa traffic” and so on.

Here is how I do it-

NOTE: You must have completed the previous steps for this to work.

Step 1 – Dummy Account

Create a dummy Fiverr Account and buy your gig twice. Then give your gig a nice positive review (You will only loose $2 when you do this).

Step 2 – Fake Visitors

Now just sends at least 250 fake hits/visitors to your Fiverr gig. This will boost your gigs impressions and make it more visible to cash at hand buyers.


If you don’t know how to get fake visitors, well you can just buy them from Fiverr but don’t go overboard with them.

Step 3 – Accurate Tags

Make sure you use accurate tags for your gigs and also include the keywords you want to rank for in the title and description.

If you are going to do a gig like the one I’ve shown you above you would use tags like-

  • Video animation
  • Whiteboard
  • Whiteboard animation
  • 3D animation

Promoting Your Fiverr Gig

Well truth be told I do not do anything to promote my gigs outside of Fiverr. All I do is what I have shared with you in this tutorial.

There are over 1 million buyers on Fiverr so once I have ranked my gigs I do not need to promote them because I already have massive exposure to cash at hand buyers.

So now you understand how to make money on Fiverr – what are you waiting for?

Go and make your first dollar online right now!

If you have any questions about how to make money with Fiverr then please feel free to ask them in the comments below and I will answer them for you.

36 Ways To Make Money On Fiverr

If you are struggling to come up with ways to make money on Fiverr, checkout my list of ideas below-

1. Video Testimonial
Video testimonials are used all over the web and there is a high demand for them from business owners. The best thing about this type of side gig is that all you need to do it is your mobile phone!

2. Proofreading
How many times have you proofread your own writing, only to spot a mistake after publishing? That is why proofreading is a very essential and popular service to offer and if you have a good reputation you will be in high demand.

3. Transcription Service
Podcasts and videos are becoming more and more popular as time goes by and having these videos transcribed into text is mega important.

4. Document Conversion
Right now Kindles are hot. But many writers struggle to convert their content into a  Kindle-friendly format. This is something which you can take advantage of.

5. Video Compression
Big video files result in slower transfers and slower websites. Many people either don’t know how to make these videos smaller without losing quality.

6. Writing Reviews
Reviews really are the bread and butter for any site. Whether it be products, apps, books or services that are being reviewed, they are mega important.

7. Niche Specific Writing
Content writing is a great way to get started because it costs nothing to set up – just your time. Rather than just posting a general writing gig, you should offer something more specific that you are interested in.

8. Create Social Media Pages
What a lot of new thriving business’ lack, is the time to set up social media pages correctly. That is where you come in!

9. Resume Writing
With the rate of unemployment higher than ever before there are loads of people looking for help to make themselves stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs.

10. Powerpoint Presentations
Lots of people need powerpoint presentations putting together on a daily basis. Take advantage of this by using some high quality templates.

If you want to learn how to execute any of the methods above (and get access to 26x more like data entry) please click here.

Get started now

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start making money on Fiverr?
If you have a skill to offer, making money on Fiverr is easy. Start by setting up your account and creating your first gig. Add an appealing image and description and include relevant tags and keywords per gig. Add a video to your gig to really make it stand out to get paid.

Can you make good money on Fiverr?
If the service you offer is genuine and you deliver what you promise to a high standard and within the agreed time frame then anyone can make extra money on Fiverr.

The more feedback you get, the more your gig will stand out and keep customers coming back whilst attracting new clients to your side hustle.

How do I become successful on Fiverr?
You can be successful on Fiverr by providing great customer service and optimizing your gigs to attract more buyers.

Use clear and concise titles, have detailed descriptions, use images and videos, offer a guarantee and make sure you listen and act upon any feedback you receive per gig.

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