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Fiverr Tricks 2020 | How to Boost Fiverr sales |


Fiverr Tricks 2018

Hey guys i know you all facing an issue of low sale in these day’s in fiverr.

Today i have How To Rank Fiverr Gigs on First Page: 10 Insane 2018 .

In order to rank your gig to the first page and make sales, you to need use a nice description, profile picture & video, stay online and so on.

They are all true..

You need to create an awesome gig, but it doesn’t stop there.

1. Carryout proper on page SEO

Many new sellers are not aware of the fact that there’s something like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on Fiverr.

They just go ahead and create a gig description without including keywords.

If you really want to rank high on Fiver, then you need to carryout a lot of on page optimization.

It is highly important to do so.

Here are the ways you can carry out on page optimization on Fiverr.

Use the right keywords in gig description

SEO on Fiverr is just like blogging.

If you don’t include the right keywords to your blog posts, Google won’t send you any visitors.

Also, to get targeted traffic on Fiverr, you need to include all the variation of your keywords in your description.

What are keywords?

Keywords are the popular search queries buyers are likely to type in the Fiverr search box when they are in search of freelance workers in any category.

2. Increase your gig impressions

If you head over to the “My Gigs” page of Fiverr, you can see detailed graphs of your gigs’ traffic over a certain period of time — i.e. the amount of people who actually landed on your gig pages one way or another. Over the months I have noticed that once my gigs start getting more views, they shoot up in the SERPs. It doesn’t happen immediately like with the reviews, but in a day or two, Fiverr’s search engine reacts.

It probably waits a bit too see if this traffic is genuine and if it will keep up the tempo. If it does keep on receiving more and more gig views, it will jump up in the SERPs. We will also talk about how you can increase your gig views easily and quickly in the next main section.

3. Video is king

One of the first things you need to do is to ensure all of your Gigs have a great looking and descriptive Gig video. Fiverr touts that Gigs with videos convert almost 300 percent better than those without a video. If you are not a great videographer and don’t know where to start, there are some fantastic Gigs on Fiverr that you could purchase very inexpensively to do it for you.

4. Stay online always

Here’s a connection between staying online and getting better gig ranks on Fiverr. Fiverr algorithms seem to reward those freelancers that stay online with a higher gig rank.This you must take advantage of if you’re new on Fiverr. I experimented this with two freelance accounts. Both accounts had similar optimizations like: keyword density, title, tags. I kept one of the accounts always logged in, while the other, logged in frequently. Here’s the result: The account that stayed logged in got greater impressions, clicks and messages than the other one.

5. Inject New Gigs with Targeted Traffic

As you know, engagement is one of the fundamental quality signals that determine which gigs rank where on Fiverr.

Engagement being anything from:

·        Favorites

·        Social shares

·        Direct messages

·        Sales

(Basically, anything that pulls someone out of “browsing mode” and gets them to take a specific action.)

The only way to generate these engagement signals is to start sending traffic to your gig, because without them, Fiverr will be reluctant to send you some of their own traffic.

You’re basically saying to Fiverr: “Hey, look guys, I’m sending all these people to my gig and they clearly like it, you should give me some credit here.”

6. Create Gig-Specific Bonuses to Boost Client

If all you take away from this article is to give an unexpected bonus on every order you get, it’ll be worth the weeks I spent writing it.

Seriously, this is one of the easiest ways to overdeliver and get clients singing about your services.

The reason most people don’t do it, however, is that it can be too expensive and time consuming to come up with a bonus for every new order — especially when you’re only making a few bucks on it.

The secret is to have something relevant enough to be genuinely useful to the client, but not so relevant that it can’t be given to other clients who order the same gig.

In other words, instead of creating bonuses that are order-specific, you need to create bonuses that are gig-specific.

To give you an example, let’s imagine I have a logo gig offering clients 1 logo concept for $20.

Which bonus would be better?

·        Bonus #1: An extra logo concept on every order

·        Bonus #2: A video showing how to edit one of my logos

While the first option is good, it requires infinitely more work to deliver vs the second option, which can recycled for every order without any additional production time.

THIS is how you should be approaching your free bonuses, and you can apply this kind of logic to pretty much any type of gig.

7.Upload High-Quality Images

Another thing you can do to make your gigs stand out is to ensure the Gig image is high quality and is relative to what your gig is about.

I use a site called GraphicStock to get all of my images for my gigs and this website.

For your profile picture, use a real photo. People need to know that they are working with a real person. One advantage of this is your potential buyer can get to know you a little bit via your picture. Avoid using avatars or cartoon image unless the service you’re offering is related to design and the profile Pic is a piece of your sample work.

8. One Day Delivery

Here are two trains of thought with this one, is in the beginning of your Fiverr seller career it’s good practice to set your delivery time at one day. This allows your gig to stand out, and it puts you in the category of express delivery when buyers are sorting by delivery time.

Once you are an established seller on Fiverr, it might be smart to set your delivery time to 2–3 days and then offer a gig extra to provide express delivery, allowing you to make more money per sale.

Buyers always will prefer a fast delivery of their requests. With that being said, the first thing they will search for is sellers who have good reputations and deliver quickly.

9.Offer High-Value Gig Packages To Instantly Increase Revenue

Gig packages.

If you’re not using these on ALL your gigs, you’re leaving money on the table. No question about it.

Here’s an example of gig packages in action:

Not only do packages allow you to charge more for your services, but it also opens up another opportunity.


The ability to directly influence how much people spend on your product, simply by offering them a choice.

To sum up, when people are presented with a 3-way choice:

·        Most tend to go for the middle option

·        Some will always go for the most expensive option

So, by only offering a single price, you remove the ability for those people to give you more money for a more premium service.

You want more monies, don’t you?

I recently put this theory to the test by adding a $300 high-end gig package to one of my existing gigs.

And within a week… BOOM….

10.Ratings Matter… A Lot

Fiverr has a rating system like most marketplaces, and one of the best ways for you to rank quickly is to get some 5-star positive ratings under your belt.

Thre are multiple ways of doing this quickly, BUT the one that I prefer is to undercharge and over deliver.

Also, you can contact family and friends and send them a few bucks to purchase your gig and then have them leave you a few positive reviews to jumpstart your gig, BUT be careful with this one.

A method that I have found to work is to when you are delivering your order send a message along with the files that say something like good reviews.

I have an exclusive offer for you all guys

Hello fiverr guys , if you want to publish your gig in this site to boost your sales, so please contact me or comment you gig url in comment box.

Thank you

check for More<a href=”">Fiverr top sellers</a>


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